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Cyfeirlyfr Cymunedol

Rhestr gynhwysfawr o glybiau, cymdeithasau, grwpiau cymunedol a sefydliadau yn Sir y Fflint. Mae'n cael ei ddiweddaru gan:

Enwr Sefydliad
RainbowBiz CIC
Gwasanaethur Gymuned
All areas in Flintshire
Our social enterprise delivers several weekly projects and planned social events throughout the year for the people we support. Everyone is welcome to get involved. Our offices and trading arm are located at the RainbowBiz Hippy Shop on Shotton High Street.
Hippy Shop, 20 Chester Road West, SHOTTON, CH5 1BX
Hippy Shop, 20 Chester Road West, SHOTTON, CH5 1BX
Rhif ffon
07759 753 473
Ewch i'r Wefan