Welsh Housing Quality Standard
What is the Welsh Housing Quality Standard?
The Welsh Government wants to ensure that all the people of Wales, including social housing tenants, can live in good quality homes, in safe and secure communities.
To ensure that all homes are brought up to an acceptable level, they have drawn up the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).This is a standard for the quality and condition of properties which lists several targets which all homes will need to meet.
For social landlords to meet the standard, homes must be:
- in a good state of repair
- safe and secure
- affordable to heat and have minimal environmental impact
- fitted with an up-to-date kitchen and utility area
- fitted with an up-to-date bathroom
- comfortable and promotes wellbeing
- a suitable garden; and have
- attractive outside space.
Flintshire County Council is committed to bringing and maintaining all our social housing up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard. Flintshire County Council receives a Major Repairs Allowance. This is a capital grant of approximately £5m per year provided by Welsh Government to local authorities who have retained their council housing stock.
Flintshire County Council owns over 7,300 social housing properties. All properties, no matter how old or in what condition, must meet Welsh Housing Quality Standard.
- In 2015/16 over £19 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 1400 Kitchens.
- 1600 Bathrooms.
- 200 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 100 Roofing & Envelope works.
- In 2016/17 over £20 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 1200 Kitchens.
- 1700 Bathrooms.
- 100 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 300 Roofing & Envelope works.
- In 2017/18 over £19 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 1000 Kitchens.
- 1500 Bathrooms.
- 100 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 250 Roofing & Envelope works.
- In 2018/19 over £19 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 200 Kitchens.
- 500 Bathrooms.
- 100 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 800 Roofing & Envelope works.
- In 2019/20 over £21 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 100 Kitchens.
- 100 Bathrooms.
- 100 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 1200 Roofing & Envelope works.
- In 2021/22 over £21 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 100 Kitchens.
- 100 Bathrooms.
- 350 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 800 Roofing & Envelope works.
- In 2022/23 over £17 million was invested into improvement works.
During this year the Capital Works Team delivered the following:
- 350 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- 800 Roofing & Envelope works.
- 200 Fencing & Environmental works.
Currently our plan going forward for WHQS 2023 – 2033 we plan to invest over £180 million into this continuous improvement scheme over a 10-year period.
Over these upcoming years of our program, we intend to invest in the following:
- Approx 3600 Kitchens & Bathrooms.
- Approx 4900 Central heating & boiler replacements.
- Approx 3600 Roofing & Envelope works.
- Various Environmental programmes including driveways, gardens, and fencing.
- Various Decarbonisation and Energy efficiency improvements.
Each year, the Council sets an annual budget for Housing improvement works. Over £58 million has been invested in housing improvement work since 2015.
This is funded by a combination of Council housing rental income, borrowed money (prudent borrowing) and income from the sale of Council land and properties.
Flintshire County Council also receives a Major Repair Allowance. This is a capital grant of £5 million a year provided by Welsh Government to local authorities who have retained their council housing stock.
There are four main areas of work that the WHQS programme focuses on:
- Interior Work:
- Kitchens,
- Bathrooms,
- Central Heating Systems, etc
- Surround Work:
- Roofing,
- Repairing Chimneys,
- Gutters,
- Downpipes,
- Rendering/Pointing,
- Windows and Doors,
- Fastenings, etc.
- External Work:
- Fencing,
- Footpaths in the Property Area.
- Environmental Work:
- Parking,
- Garages,
- Community Walkways.
If your property needs work to bring it up to standard, you will receive a letter in plenty of time to let you know when any of this work is being planned.
The Housing Service has produced a timetable which shows when work will be carried out in each community ward.
This will be available on the Flintshire County Councils website soon as an interactive Programme which will detail what works are due to be completed at your home.
Flintshire County Council is working with several reputable contractors to ensure that the improvements are carried out to a high standard.
Undertaking improvement work on this scale will inevitably involve some disruption to tenants and we realise that the interior works, particularly kitchen and bathroom replacements, can cause disruption. We hope it's worth going through the little disruption you get to see the finished product, and help is available.
The Housing Service has employed Tenant Liaison Officers whose job it is to keep in touch with you while certain aspects of the work are being carried out, help answer any queries you may have, and be a point of contact between you and the Housing Service.
Our contractors also have their own Resident Liaison Officers with a similar role, so there will always be a friendly face you can contact while the work is taking place, should any issues arise.
It is a requirement of your tenancy agreement to allow the Council to maintain and improve the property.
Failure to allow the work to be carried out is a breach of your tenancy agreement and, in the worst-case scenario, you could be evicted from your property.
This is not something that the Council would wish to happen and, so, it is in the best interest of yourself and the Council to comply with the renovations to the property.
Any concerns should be addressed to the Council prior to any works commencing so that they can be discussed further.
Flintshire County Council and our contractors are committed to ensuring that the local economy sees the maximum value from every penny spent on the work to achieve the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.
Clauses are now included in all major contracts, requiring contractors who work with the Housing Service to commit to ‘give something extra’ back to the local economy through Community Benefit schemes.
Schemes can include sponsoring local projects such as community gardens and sports teams, or refurbishing schools, village halls, community centres, etc.
Community Benefits can also include taking on local workers, setting up apprenticeship schemes and purchasing stock and supplies from local businesses.
Welsh Government - Welsh Housing Quality Standards
If you have any queries or would like to know more about Flintshire’s Capital Works WHQS scheme, please get in touch.
Email us: capital.works@flintshire.gov.uk
Call us: 01352 701666
If you are looking to report a repair or inspection, please call our contact centre on 01352 701660